The Coaching Journey
There is often confusion on what personal coaching is so I thought I would open with what coaching is and is not.
Coaching is not advice/counselling or therapy. You are the expert in your life. Coaching helps you connect to you, your wisdom and take action to create the life you really want. Coaching is a relationship between your coach and is 100% Confidential & Non-Judgemental.
Success is directly related to the Commitment and the Effort you make
My expectations of you are to be:
Honest and open (and to tell me when you can't be, I know trust takes time).
Willing to adopt a more positive outlook on self and life
Ready to be fully accountable for your life/decisions/actions
YOU are responsible for YOUR results.
As a coach I will:
Be present, you have my attention!
Help you set, clarify and maintain focus on your goals
Hold you accountable - for what you say you're going to do
Help you establish your own solutions & strategies
Encourage, support & believe in you even when you may not!
Challenge you and help you recognize where you may be holding yourself back. Together we raise your self-awareness
Respect you and Gain permission to:
Interrupt you
Challenge you/Ask difficult questions
You decide what to cover, how/when to end coaching
Throughout our journey together you may find that your goals and focus may change and you will probably experience some Ups & Downs as well. This is all normal in coaching - as is reaching a plateau. The down cycle is where we do our most growth.
Are you ready to move forward or still have questions? Contact me: