Finding Purpose
I lost my VOICE
Most of my life I spent day in and out running on autopilot, somehow finding complacency in some routine that neither fulfilled me or made me truly happy. I became a people pleaser, changing myself for someone else, giving in to what others want, fulfilling their needs, and being complacent working in jobs that I am good at, but don’t fulfill me, because they paid well and provided for my family. You get the picture!
In my complacency, I lost my passion and my happiness. I lost my VOICE. Somehow I didn’t matter anymore, everyone was more important than me. I truly believed that every hurtful and mean thing people did and said to me over the years must be true right? I was a victim!
My life thus far left me distrusting others, skeptical and weary of well meaning advice!
But that inner voice never really goes away does it? It was always there whispering in the background, quietly nagging at me, that I had to get out of being a victim and get living again but I didn’t know how.
Then Serendipity happened
I decided to pursue a business administration certificate at a local college hoping perhaps I could change my career to anything other than where I was. That’s when serendipity happened. I had filled up my optional courses in leadership, emotional intelligence, one was even called “Personal Toolkit” and I met Dawn, my instructor for the courses. She was an amazing instructor and changed my life forever!
I learned to lose my victim mindset and take accountability for myself, own what I was responsible for in my life and let go of things I couldn’t change. I began to forgive myself and start “living above the line”. It was the beginning of my transformation.
“Change happens when it’s too painful to stay where you are”
My transformation didn’t happen overnight. In fact I’ve been transforming for 15 years! I would call the courses I took with Dawn my “Awakening” . From that moment my inner voice started getting louder and louder. I could no longer be complacent with my life the way it was. I took more classes and started learning not only who I am but who I was meant to be. I left the baggage behind and found coaching. I found my why.